Artists: Male, Female and Agency

Earlier today we had a session with Jo looking at Designers. As preparation for the session we each had to write a list of every designer that has ever influenced us visually. We then had to choose one Male, one Female and one Agency and provide detailed research for each. I chose; Tim Bradford, Emma Rios, and Studio Output. 

Tim Bradford

Tim Bradford is an Animator with a unique and visually appealing style perfect for title sequences, adverts, idents & music videos.
- Shell, Ford, Sony Ericsson, Microsoft, British Gas, JWT, Capitol One and Ogilvy

Emma Rios
Emma works as an illustrator and set designer. Noted by Vogue and The Observer as 'up and coming'.
For Tatler's 300th edition she was commissioned to make a paper replica of Bond Street, the shoot spanned 17 pages where diamond necklaces where draped over paper buildings and million pound ear rings became chandeliers.

Recent projects have included creating a cave made entirely of sugar for London Fashion Week and the cover of ES Magazines first food monthly with Bompas & Parr.

The Sunken Gardens of Kensinghton Palace have a shadowy metal series of arch ways to coincide with the current fashion exhibition 'Enchanted Palace'. Teenagers drawings and ideas were realised by Emma with her paper cut style.

- Tatler, Harper's Bazaar, Visa, Historic Royal Palaces, Adidas, 02 centre, Harvey Nics, Wall Street Journal, Museum of London, Liberty, Bompas and Parr.

Studio Output
Studio Output are a famous Agency based across two sites. One in Nottingham and one in London. Their work is very vector based however they have a broad range of experimental pieces which I find really interesting. 

- BBC, Radio 1, Playstation, Club18-30, HMV, Gio-Goi, Il Divo etc.

Friday 9 December 2011 by Lisa Collier
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