How to...

One of our group members, Joel, has looked into leaflet design, looking at the layout and style which would most suit our target audience of young adults, and first time students away from home. We decided it wise to use printed media for our design outcome taking into account most of our target audience have recently moved into student halls. 

In particular we decided upon a leaflet/brochure and a box containing some sample products which would require either a sticker or some form of simple and effective packaging design. Leaflets are everywhere and making one stand out heavily depends upon design. I thought it useful to get a better understanding of some basic and more creative techniques.

We came up with two main styles that we liked. One the 'French fold' and the other a 'Accordion Fold', we decided that the 'Accordion Fold' was more suited to the target audience, as it was smaller and had a more unusual appearance. Here is a collection of research;

French Fold ^^

Accordion Fold ^^

Our final outcome will be based upon the 'Accordion Fold' design, similar to the images below.

Thursday 22 September 2011 by Lisa Collier
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