Theory into Practice // Quotes

It is easy to fail when designing an interactive experience. Designers fail when they do not know the audience, integrate the threads of content and context, welcome the public properly, or make clear what the experience is and what the audience’s role in it will be.
— Edwin Schlossberg
Good design is good business.
— Thomas J. Watson Jr.
Great design will not sell an inferior product, but it will enable a great product to achieve its maximum potential.
— Thomas J. Watson Jr.
…designers can make life more bearable by producing stuff that touches its audience rather than fucks them in the head.
— Jon Wozencraft
Design is in everything we make, but it’s also between those things. It’s a mix of craft, science, storytelling, propaganda, and philosophy.
— Erik Adigard
I never design a building before I’ve seen the site and met the people who will be using it.
— Frank Lloyd Wright
The fundamental failure of most graphic, product, architectural, and even urban design is its insistence on serving the God of Looking-Good rather than the God of Being-Good.
— Richard Saul Wurman

Sunday 29 April 2012 by Lisa Collier
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