Current Paper Airplane models.

We then went on to look at more specific research. Continuing with our theme of paper airplanes we are looking at specific styles and current models that are around today;

There is a wide range of paper airplane books and guides already existing within the marketplace for both adults and children. To bring something different to the market will prove difficult from first impressions. Guides to making paper airplanes are fairly easy to come by and generally pretty in depth including the physics behind how they work and even tips on decorating planes. Many of them also include printed pages which can be taken out and folded in order to make planes that go from looking like jumbo jets to pizza slices and so forth.

But maybe trying to re-invent the wheel is too ambitious for this timescale. The graphic design on most of these books is fairly similar and tends to lack innovation and individuality. Which path our group decides to go down will hopefully become clearer with the correct research and analysis.

This is slightly un-related but I found this installation an interesting idea. A game involving Paper Planes made by the player is an interesting concept. It could be done on a much smaller scale like targets you print out from your computer for instance.

Taking the concept into the digital era I managed to find an App which takes you through the process. Doing something which is accessed by a device such as a smart phone or computer is another option but might take away from the luxury we've been given with this topic, that of it being based around paper.
Also keeping my brief in mind I'm not sure which method would appeal to children? And in which way can we educate and explain in a manner to which they respond and engage.

As you can see from the guides and pamphlets below paper airplane guides are usually quite plain and basic. However, We hope to create a more fun design which is focused more directly at our target audience 5-8 year old children.

Wednesday 30 November 2011 by Lisa Collier
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