Proverbally Yours // Message & Delivery

After my crit session 4 days ago with Jo and 3 other members of my year group I have decided to re-focus my target audience and conduct some more detailed research into who this piece of work is aimed at. I decided to look at other -fish- campaigns and came across a guardian article which introduced my to a campaign that Hugh Fearnley Whitting-stall and Jamie Oliver have been running in order to save fish that are dying out in our oceans. This linked really well to my previous research and brief focus on 'Project Ocean' - the charity I have chosen to support in my mail shot. Here is the article and a video clip of their work:

Below is a link to 'Hugh's fish fight' campaign website:

Because of Hugh Fearnley Whitting-stall's involvement with fish campaigns and his support I have decided to send my mail shot to him in order to create more support for my campaign and gain his backing, I will also mail this to Jamie Oliver who strongly backs the research and work of Hugh Fearnley Whitting-stall as his support and these famous names help to create further promotion and awareness of the 'Project Ocean' campaign and charity itself. This is a stronger target audience than my initial plans which were to mail this out to fish-mongers in hope that they reduce the number of fish they stock. This way we can link two successful campaigns together and raise more awareness of the crisis that the ocean's are in at the current stage. 

Since Jamie Oliver decided to support this campaign it has also gained the backing of other celebrity chef's including Gordon Ramsey and Heston Blumenthal, as well as many others. These will be the main focus of my campaign and I will be mailing my designs out to these four celebrities who are taking a main role in the promotion and awareness of their campaign and hopefully will soon support the 'Project Ocean' charity along with their own. 

Tuesday 8 November 2011 by Lisa Collier
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