Postmodernist / Modernist Design

Classic modernist designs typically involve simple bold colours, and geometric shapes. Despite the modern Serif font, this piece shows classical features of modernist design and was created in the Bauhaus era, relating the piece further to modernist times. It dates back to a period of modernism and was designed by Walter Allner. His career was focused around modernist design and he studied at the Bauhaus under Kandinsky and Klee. He started his own freelance company and founded the international poster annual. His most notable pieces are his work for 'Fortune' designing 79 magazine covers through the mid 1900's. 

Modernist Design ^^

Below is a piece of more recent graphic design which shows classic relations to modernist pieces, using simple imagery, bold colours. The typefaces used are very similar keeping the design basic and clear. The continuous theme of geometric shapes is still present linking it back to pieces from the modernist era.

Modernist Design ^^

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, was when the first signs of postmodern graphic design. Young designers began to disregard the rules of International Style.  The postmodernism period does not accommodate just one graphic style, unlike the modernist era. The image below uses classic styles and 'sarcastic' or 'crude' typography gives a very postmodernist feel to the piece.

Postmodernist Design ^^

Tuesday 1 November 2011 by Lisa Collier
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