Context of Practice: Designers (High Culture/Low Culture)

For our last studio task for Richard before our practical sessions begin, we must create a list of 5 designers that relate to each context of practice lecture we have had throughout first year on the programme. We have 9 topics; modernism, postmodernism, street art/graffiti, film, high culture vs. low culture, typography and the history of type, media specificity, advertising and communication. 

High Culture vs, Low Culture


Bureau Bruneau is the one man show of Ludvig Bruneau Rossow, a 24 year old designer from Oslo, Norway.

Biography "I mainly work with printed matter, and my work varies from visual identities to editorial design and packaging. The ideas behind my projects varies from technical to emotional concepts.

I graduated from the Graphic Design department at Westerdals School of Communication in 2010. 

After working at Uniform for one year, I did an intership at Sagmeister Inc. in New York. Now, I'm currently working at Bleed in Oslo."

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol (August 6, 1928 – February 22, 1987) was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. After a successful career as a commercial illustrator, Warhol became a renowned and sometimes controversial artist. His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, celebrity culture and advertisement. 
He worked in a range of mediums, including painting, sculpture, film, and music. He founded Interview Magazine and was the author of numerous books, including The Philosophy of Andy Warhol and Popism: The Warhol Sixties. Andy Warhol is also notable as a gay man who lived openly as such before the gay liberation movement. His studio (The Factory) was a famous gathering place that brought together distinguished intellectuals, drag queens, playwrights, Bohemianstreet people, Hollywood celebrities, and wealthy patrons.
Warhol has been the subject of numerous retrospective exhibitions, books, and feature and documentary films. He coined the widely used expression "15 minutes of fame". In his hometown of PittsburghPennsylvaniaThe Andy Warhol Museum celebrates his life and work.
The highest price ever paid for a Warhol painting is US$100 million for a 1963 canvas titled Eight Elvises. The private transaction was reported in a 2009 article in The Economist, which described Warhol as the "bellwether of the art market". $100 million is a benchmark price that only Jackson PollockPablo PicassoVincent van GoghPierre-August RenoirGustav Klimt and Willem de Kooning have achieved.

Ad Busters
The Adbusters Media Foundation is a Canadian-based not-for-profitanti-consumeristpro-environment organization founded in 1989 by Kalle Lasn and Bill Schmalz in Vancouver,British Columbia
Adbusters describes itself as "a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age."
Characterized by some as anti-capitalist or opposed to capitalism, it publishes the reader-supported, advertising-free Adbusters, an activist magazine with an international circulation of 120,000 devoted to challenging consumerism. 
Past and present contributors to the magazine include Christopher HedgesMatt TaibbiBill McKibbenJim MunroeDouglas RushkoffJonathan BarnbrookDavid GraeberSimon CritchleySlavoj ZizekMichael HardtDavid Orrell and others.
Adbusters has launched numerous international campaigns, including Buy Nothing DayTV Turnoff Week and Occupy Wall Street, and is known for their "subvertisements" that spoof popular advertisements. In English, Adbusters has bi-monthly American, Canadian, Australian, UK and International editions of each issue. 
Adbusters's sister organizations includeRésistance à l'Aggression Publicitaire and Casseurs de Pub in France, Adbusters Norge in Norway, Adbusters Sverige in Sweden and Culture Jammers in Japan.

Robin Snasen Rengard is a graphic designer, illustrator and musician living and working in Oslo, Norway. He is part of byHands illustration agency. He is also a co-owner of Bilo Books, - an independent publisher specialising in limited edition books for visual arts. Clients include: Atomic Agency, Mari Boine, Oslo Fashion Week, FIN, Smartfish, Cappelen, Interoptik, Victionary, M-real, Natt&Dag, Son records, Beautiful Decay, Jester Records and many more...


Unfortunately I was unable to find the specific designer, however I found a series of images which I feel relate to this lecture on High Culture vs. Low Culture.

High Culture vs. Low Culture Imagery: bureaybruneau, Andy Warhol, Ad busters, Snasen, "McDiabetes"

Tuesday 28 February 2012 by Lisa Collier
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