Rain: Crit session.

In preparation for our crit session, we each had to fill out a form answering questions about our work that we have produced in response to the live brief on 'Rain'. Here is a photograph on my form; I have also filled out the form digitally below to give a more accurate view:

We used the theme 'DIET' ; describe, interpret, evaluate, theorise.

Describe; What is visible? What is the audience looking at?
I have created a series of posters that work together using a map of England. Although it is pixelated in this initial image, I will improve this before the final deadline creating it in a higher resolution using Adobe Illustrator. I have kept text minimal as posters are not normally read for a long period of time. 

Interpret: What does it mean? How does it function?
I designed the posters to show the audience (people from abroad who visit the D&AD lecture in Manchester) the impact that rain has had on Britain, yet show them how we still enjoy ourselves and get on with life, showing rain in a positive way.

Evaluate; How successful is it? What context best suits it?
I realised my theme and focus on the map worked well with a more vintage style and so used this as a basis throughout my theme. I think that throughout this brief, time restraints became a real issue, having not done a one week brief for a number of weeks. In my opinion, my idea takes a different approach to most others and has wide room for development. Using facts throughout, and relating one poster to 'Manchester' (where the D&AD lecture takes place) works well and they crete a strong vibe when used as a series. However, I don't feel that they represent rain as positively as I would have hoped. The main image needs to be reprinted to the none pixellated version and emphasised into a puddle more effectively. 

Theorise; Does it solve the problem? How else cold it solve the problem better?
I'm unsure as to whether it solves the problem of representing british rain positively, however it does show how we cope with it as a nation and how rain is such a big factor in Britain. I would reprint with the better quality image before the deadline and possibly improve the focus on the map of Britain looking like a puddle. I would also like to incorporate a more positive attitude to rain.

Friday 24 February 2012 by Lisa Collier
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