Lecture 14: Social Media and Communication

Social Media and Communication // 21st March 2012
Social Media and Communication // 21st March 2012

Aim: To engage in current (academic & industry) debates, surrounding the impact of new media on communication and creativity.

A History of Advertising lecture focus:
Impact of technological progress of colour   printing the start of creative advertising.
Relationship of advertising & newspapers.

Understand distinctions between mass and new media.
Understand shifts in aspects of advertising strategy.
Speculate the implications of New Media on creativity
Think about impact on the role of the creative
Create own notes process information 

What is new media?
‘…media that work not through persuasion or impressions but through engagement and involvement. If we stick with the old [Mass Media] model, we squander all the possibilities of the new media ecosystem ‘
(Sutherland, 2009)
Rory Sutherland, former president of the IPA and Vice Chairman Ogilvy UK

Need to break with a past media model

Back to the beginnings
¡Levers context (b1851) Height of the Empire. International trade
¡International exhibition. Prompted large-scale colour printing.
¡Ad boom 1860s fuelled by tax reliefs
¡Pre-packaging technology 1860s
1880s colour illustrations reproduced in magazines.
¡1885 Lever Bros est.
1890s reproduction of paintings possible.
Beginning of creative advertising boom
Colour posters [art] & soap for the masses

Advertising strategy motive
Required speaking to the masses
Global print campaigns
Imagery of Britannia & Royalty suited all domestic and imperial markets
High-feeling strategy 

Old and New communication models
Old: transmission
Transmit ideas to an audience
New: cybernetic
Engage with an audience
Via computer (mediated communication) CMC.
new media based  on...(ICTs) such as the internet and cell phones, invite us to think in exciting new ways about advertising, as an industry and... communication process
(Spurgeon, 2008)

New Media Models
Advertising & New Media (Spurgeon, 2008)
Shift from Mass to My media
More targeted (mobile)
Audience involvement:
(a) voluntarily passing viewing ads (virals)
(b) creating  spoofs or filming events
More personalised

Viral - Unpaid advertising
One distinction between old & new media
Voluntary viewings (video viewings online)
Forced viewings (TV or Print)
Definition 'unpaid peer-to-peer communication of [provocative] content originating from an identified sponsor using the Internet to persuade or influence an audience  to pass along the content to others. Southgate, et al, 2010, p350.

Two Conversations
nThree Little Pigs viral 992
nRef recession & riots
nAgency BBH
nClient The Guardian
nTV & Print
nCelebration of NM itself; citizen journalism, open platform collaboration.
nIdea transform brand from old mass media to; global news hub.
nmodern news is dynamic, participative with open dialogue (Gonsalves, 2012) Head of Strategy, BBH London

Invisible Children Campaign
R4 ICC Congo warlord Lubanga guilty 30yrs
The ICC … first arrest warrant in 2005 … Joseph Kony www.bbc.co.uk (2012)
March 5th released
3 days 26 m views. 5th 63 m
Oprah Winfrey tweet 5th Mar
the most successful manipulation of our new media ecosystem to date (Naughton, 2012)
NM changing teaching & learning

nPre –testing propagation
nIndicate (surveys) likelihood to pass on or recommend.
nDependent on seeding, scale of placement
nFindings by Southgate, et al, 2010
nHegarty, 5th March 2009 What makes good work Xbox pre-test propagation (viewings & feedback) later banned TV. Viral success.
nT-partay 5.8 m front page news NY Times 

Cybernetic communication model
nCybernetics is the study of systems.
nCan be applied to any system such as mechanical, biological and more complex social systems.

- The success of this campaign can be explained using a cybernetic communication model for advertising

Viewer generated content
•Viewer-generated advertising worth US$10 million to Mentos ‘more than half its annual advertising budget’ (Spurgeon, 2008, p1)
•New media threatens the top-down communication model
•Audiences are actively managing media culture

10 reasons to be in advertising (right now)
An audience with Sir John Hegarty, 25.3.10
No. 1 Agencies can innovate e.g NYC tourism campaign
The idea character of NYC = street culture= street musicians.
Linked 2 campaigns  'Dig Out Your Soul'. New album tracks released to NYC street musicians to play
Announcements made websites with Google maps
Performances video recorded (fans) & uploaded YouTube.
Caused buzz music press = global
Creatives collaborated directly with NYC street musicians
TA helped to create & distribute content

Audience judges creativity
November 2010
•Departure from conventional advertising awards
•YouTube Ad of the Year chosen by viewers
•Panel of judges shortlist the most creative and innovative ads
•Embrace Life (winner)

- The third screen
Mobile phones will soon become the greatest tool for persuasion, more so than any other medium for advertising. (Fogg, 2003)
Fastest growing markets in the creative industries (Mobile Learning  Conference 2009 1st Dec, 2009, London) 

- The kairos factor
Fogg (2003) primarily due to their kairos factor:
The principle of presenting the desired message at the opportune moment.
Okazaki article (2009)

The promise of mobile
In 10 years, virtually the entire media ecosystem has changed...and nowhere is the drive happening any faster...with  the third screen (Precourt, 2009, p1)
Mobile  advertising will become the fastest growing promotional channel
The worlds most ubiquitous computer
JAR (2009)

What is the impact of new Media
On the advertising agency
Industry debate.
Mashup 09
Structuring the company to be social from the inside is necessary Patrick (2009) http://blog.mashupevent.com/
Digital creatives (third role)
Work with AD CW
nSocial Media Week Feb 2012 Brass (Headingly)
nDefining the Future of Creative Services
17th Feb 2012 Creatives channel IPA website.
n Advertising is such a limiting title now' Andy Fowler (ECD) Brothers & Sisters
Impact NM a third layer communication

Putting brands into people's Hands
nPhilosophy of Brothers and Sisters
nNo Medium is dying e.g. Print
nMedia different role in a narrative
nTraditional announcements
nLevis Go forth beautifully crafted photography
nWrangler jeans interactive site like Remember Reach
nNM up-close and tactile
nCraft creatives more important than ever
nGolden age 
 Levi's 'Go forth campaign'
nHighly crafted film & photography
nGlobal Go Forth Campaign
nWieden & Kennedy
nLaunch film Facebook
nCinema, then TV

- Fowler's conclusion impact of NM
nPre-NM (1) Announcement
nTalk to audience told them to buy (2) product

- Middle Layer
nAnnouncement old Media
nThe experience Middle Layer New Media sample product in a virtual way

- Creative's creativity
nbig ideas remain important
nCraft remains important 

- New models of creativity
Larger teams
Collaborative creativity (Sawyer, 2008)
Collaborative online Creativity: eStudio
Omnium project

- Creative eLearning
•Own research COC
•Creative advertising students
•Professional advertising creatives 
(LQ10) Do you agree that the discussion forums and chat rooms are appropriate spaces for supporting ideation? 65% of Level 4 agreed, whereas only 33% of Level 6 agreed, giving an overall total 49%.
(PQ8) Are discussion forums and chat rooms (as well as face-to-face) supportive to collaborative brainstorming and idea generation activities within the agency studio? 81% positively.
Enhanced advertising
Ciarallo, J (2012)
Takes the best of:
Print (magazines) ads large- format imagery
TV ads video content
Email marketing (guaranteed delivery)
Newspaper ads (locally tailored and delivered content)
Social (world's social graph) flexible advertising offering

- Facebook social brands
nTimeline introduced
nImagery, video, games  and text
nCustomer service option one-to-one communication with brands possible.
nBuddy Media

- Brass got2b Social
nAndrew Brown Media studies web design
nLargest independent outside London
nSocial Strategy D&AD Got2b hair product
nYouTube product demonstration
nBirdboy Parkour free running athlete.
nInvited to London to Parkour Jam
nCreated filmed placed on Got2b YouTube channel
n Birdboy generated an online buzz.

- Social Ribena
Goodness & British provenance
Reach beyond old media
People make content
Creatives provide opportunity
Competition Ribena farm holiday
Film family activities
Place Facebook Mumsnet
Brass case study

- Impacts of NM conclusions
1.Shift from old to old & new media
2.Entertainment more enhanced
3.Blurring communication, entertainment, education creators, producers, consumers & professional roles
4.New models communication, creativity & agencies
5.Third layer experiential, engaging, social & tactile
6.Golden age of creativity – embrace it.
7.New skill-set work collaboratively on and off line
8.Creatives LCA Ad, Photo, Fashion, DFGA, Graphics
9.Old Media had a beginning. Narrative of New Media open. 

Tuesday 27 March 2012 by Lisa Collier
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