Context of Practice session: 10 Questions

After Friday's session with Jo, she asked each of us to write down 10 questions to ask ourselves, and then from these questions we must identify three pieces of work in the public domain that we like and say how that relates to our personality because of the questions answered.

10 Questions

- What do you consider to be your best three personality traits?
Conscientious, Caring, Loyal

- Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Hopefully in a successful career, and very happy

- What are your three biggest hates?
People who eat with their mouths open, People who are rude, People who have no self respect

- What is your favourite animal?

- Who are your three favourite designers?
This is very hard to define, but I have always liked; Tim Bradford, Juliene Harrison, Emma Rios

- Where would you like to live?
I've always wanted to live in Australia (Bizarre ambition) but i'm not sure I could leave people behind in England. If I was rich, i'd live in the centre of London

- What are your negative traits?
Perfectionism, Bossy, OCD

- Where is your favourite restaurant (name 5)?
Wagamama, Las Iguanas, Jamie's Italian, Gaucho, Pizza Express

- If you were animal what would I be?

- What animal do other people consider you to be?

I am a quiet character with a lot of opinions.

As you can see all these images above relate to my personality. The first is very delicate, and I love paper craft and so this is very close to my heart, The second is again very delicate and intricate and I love hand drawn imagery, the third shows my trait of perfectionism and OCD with clean imagery and lines and the simple colour themes also relate to my personality.

Monday 23 January 2012 by Lisa Collier
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