Symbols Research

Here is some research I have looked at when looking into symbols and icons. This was really useful however, I hope to create a series of icons more directly related to communication of information for example toilet symbols, information signs, road signs etc.

27:21 · The pentagram or pentacle belongs to the group of some 20 basic gestalts in Western ideography. Despite the fact that 2713 consists of five straight lines it is still a single entity, a holistic design. It is quite unlikely that this design was discovered by chance. (For a discussion of this, see "The mystical pentagram" in the Appendices.) Here are other gestalts with which to compare it: 2601a, 2801, 2805, 0901, 0419, 1408, 0215a, 3704, 3209. 

    The pentagram was probably discovered as a result of astronomical research in the Euphrates-Tigris region about 6,000 years ago. For a derivation of this structure.

    Isolated pentagrams have been found on broken fragments of burned clay in Palestine, in layers dating from around 4000 B.C. It was a common sign among the Sumerians around 2700 B.C. Some of those who have conducted research of symbols believe 2713 was used by the Sumerians as a cosmic symbol representing the four corners of the earth and the vault of the heavens. This, however, seems a bit far-fetched.

 The sign 0901 would have been better suited for this particular purpose. After the Sumerian time there is no clear evidence as to what the pentagram might have meant until the sign appears in Pythagorean mysticism. There it is said to have symbolized the human being. The points of 2713represent the head, arms, and legs of the body. Yet this interpretation seems to underestimate the intelligence and knowledge of the Pythagoreans. They did, however, use the sign extensively and are believed to have used it when signing their letters to each other around 400 B.C. 

    What we do know with all certainty is that 2713 was the main ideogram in the logotype or official seal of the city of Jerusalem during the period 300-150 B.C. 

    The pentagram has been called the seal of Solomon or Solomon's shield in medieval Jewish mysticism. 

    The fivepointed star has appeared in pre-Columbian America, although not in the form of the pentagram, but as 2643. This makes it unlikely that the high cultures existing at that time, for example, the Mayan culture, had succeeded in discovering the design 2713 despite their advanced knowledge of the timing of the appearances of the Morning star and the Evening star, that is, the orbit of the planet Venus. 

    After the Sumerian epoch in the Euphrates-Tigris region the Venus goddess seems to have been symbolized by 2532, the eightpointed star. The pentagram fell out of use and did not appear in this region until some 1,000 years later. 

    Count Goblet d'Alviella suggested in his book La migration des Symboles (see bibliography) at the end of the nineteenth century that certain graphic symbols for powerful mythological entities exclude each other. Thus 2532, for Venus as the goddess of fertility and war, excludes the sign 2713. The two do not appear simultaneously in the same political, economic, and cultural spheres. The same applies (an example from d'Alviella) for the sun god symbolized by 1501 and by the winged globe, 2026. We could refer to this as the law of the graphic exclusiveness of symbols of dominating power. 

    The pentagram is sometimes known as the Eastern star and is apparently then identical with the Morning star and the planet Venus as the war goddess Ishtar orAstarte. Note that 2825a is very popular with the military. All officers in modern armies have a number of fivepointed stars on their uniforms. These stars are also found painted on the sides of tanks and fighter planes in the United States, Russia, China, and some other countries. 

    In Western ideography 2713 appears on some of the crusader knights' coats of arms. During the Middle Ages, however, 2713 began to be associated with magic and the Devil. In Nordic countries it was drawn on doors and walls as protection against trolls and evil. When the sign was turned so that two of its ends were pointing upward, like 2714d, it represented the Devil. Today, some hard rock groups still use the sign in this way and meaning. 

    Today 2713 is mainly used as a sign signifying favorable opportunities (for example, in advertisements for sales), parties, and joyful togetherness. In comic strips, however, it has retained its old association to warfare in that it is used to indicate the mental state resulting from a blow to the head (to "see stars") or the pain resulting from a blow or injury. 

    In the Japanese Art of Warfare, 2713 stands for forts and fortresses, as does 2730. 

    As a mark of cadency 2713 stands for the third son.

    Except for in comic strips the sign 2713 is not used in modern Western ideographic systems. The filled variation, 2825d, or the empty variation, 2825a, however, is occasionally found in fire prevention contexts, as a sign indicating a source of light on nautical charts, and for unpostmarked stamps in philately. 

Thursday 26 January 2012 by Lisa Collier
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